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[10:56] *** PsyBorg (~PsyBorg@AIRC-680BF3E7.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #soniccenter.[10:56] *** PsyBorg (~PsyBorg@AIRC-680BF3E7.dyn.optonline.net) has signed off IRC (NewYork.NY.US.AccessIRC.Net SanDiego.CA.US.AccessIRC.Net).[10:57] F-Man: :o 3:45:96 Gamma EC[10:58] Marth: It would help if it wouldn't slow down so quickly. :([10:59] *** PsyBorg (~PsyBorg@AIRC-680BF3E7.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #soniccenter.[10:59] *** Mode change "-o PsyBorg" for channel #soniccenter by ChanServ.[10:59] MK: why does it do that?[11:00] *** CosmicFalcon (~cosmicfal@AIRC-5FBF94C1.range86-139.btcentralplus.com) has signed off IRC (AIRC Quit: ).[11:00] *** PsyBorg (~PsyBorg@AIRC-680BF3E7.dyn.optonline.net) has signed off IRC (Ping timeout).[11:01] *** PsyBorg (~PsyBorg@AIRC-680BF3E7.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #soniccenter.[11:01] *** Mode change "-o PsyBorg" for channel #soniccenter by ChanServ.[11:01] Marth: "why does it do that?" the emulator?[11:01] Marth: or about PsyBorg?[11:02] *** PsyBorg (~PsyBorg@AIRC-680BF3E7.dyn.optonline.net) has signed off IRC (AIRC Quit: PsyBorg).[11:02] F-Man: wtf psyborg
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